Format of Resignation Letter

How to Make a Resignation Letter

If you want to change jobs or quit your current job, you want to submit your resignation letter to your company. A resignation Letter is an email or printed document formally explaining that you’re leaving your job. Learn how to make a resignation letter for a job.

A resignation letter is usually sent in advance, giving the company’s HR department the to hire a new employee for the same position so that the work is not affected. This professional behavior helps you to maintain a healthy relationship with the company, which in turn helps you quit the company without any hurdles.

Why is a Resignation Letter Important?

A resignation letter is one of the essential parts of quitting your job as it becomes an official record of the employee’s formal notice to the company A resignation letter is the first step when an employee is quitting. All the other formalities follow only after the employee has sent the letter to the company.

You must have the skills to write an impactful resignation letter for it to get quickly approved. Often, companies give counter-offers to letters as they do not want to lose their employees. Hence, you must be confident and impactful in your resignation to avoid such offers if you firmly decide to leave the job. know how to make resume for job.

Format of Resignation Letter

1. Personal Information

Start with essential information to the full name, address, and date. Mention the proper date when you submit your resignation to the company or the manager.

2. Company Address

After completing the personal information, you have to mention the company name on the first line and the complete address (street address, city, and ZIP code) of the company.

3. Address your boss by the name

After company details, Address your boss by name, for example, Dear Ms. Manager.

Always mention the manager’s first name while addressing your boss by name in a resignation.

4. Body Paragraph

It would help if you mentioned resigning from the job on a specific date. This is to give an official notice that you are leaving this company. Some important points to write in it:

1. Mention the date when is your last day in the company.
2. Don’t use negative words or negative things about the company.
3. The Resignation Letter should be professional, clean, and short.

5. End of Resignation Letter

In the end, just Thank your manager, and come down, write your complete name and sign above your name.

There is the end of it. Now you can submit a hard copy of your resignation letter to your manager or hr of the company.

Resignation Letter Template

You can refer to this when you are living your job


Registration Letter

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