cockatiel bird price in india

Cockatiel Bird Price In India

Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) are small parrots native birds in Australia. They are popular pets around the world like dogs. It is known for its playful and affectionate personality. They are also easy to care for and can be trained to do simple tricks. The Average Cockatiel bird price in India is between Rs 2,000 to Rs 50,000.

Cockatiels are small birds, measuring around 12-14 inches in length, with a wingspan of around 16-18 inches. They have a distinctive appearance, with a crest of feathers on their heads that they can raise or lower to express their emotions, a yellow head and cheeks, and a gray body. Males are usually more brightly colored than females, with bright yellow faces and orange spots on their cheeks.

Average Price:2,000 to Rs 50,000
Scientific name:Nymphicus hollandicus
Lifespan:10 – 15 years
Length:30 – 35 cm

In terms of care, cockatiels require a cage with enough room to move around, perches, and toys to play with. They also need a balanced diet of seeds, pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables. They are social birds and do best in pairs or small flocks, so it’s recommended to keep more than one if you’re able to provide adequate space and care for multiple birds.

Cockatiels are also known for their ability to mimic sounds and songs, although they are not as good at mimicking as some other species of parrots. They can also be trained to do simple tricks and many owners enjoy teaching their birds to perform for them. Overall, cockatiels are highly intelligent and social birds that make great pets for people who have the time and resources to provide for their needs.

Cockatiel Bird Price

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Cockatiel Bird Price in India

The price of a cockatiel bird in India can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the bird’s age, gender, type, and where you purchase it from. On average, the Cockatiel bird price in India is between Rs 2,000 to Rs 50,000. However, prices can be higher or lower depending on the specific bird and the location.

Cockatiel Bird Price in Mumbai₹2,000 and ₹18,000
Cockatiel Bird Price in Delhi₹3,000 to ₹18,000
Cockatiel Bird price in Ahmedabad₹3000 and ₹20,000
Cockatiel Bird Price in Chennai₹5,000 and ₹15,000
Cockatiel Bird Price in Bangalore₹4,000 and ₹20,000
Cockatiel Bird Prices in Hyderabad₹2,000 and ₹15,000
Cockatiel Bird price in Chandigarh₹3,000 and ₹17,000
Cockatiel Bird price in Indore₹3,000 and ₹20,000

It’s important to note that while a low price may seem like a good deal, it’s important to remember that buying a bird is a long-term commitment, and investing in a healthy, well-cared-for bird from a reputable breeder is likely to be a better value in the long run. In addition to the cost of the bird itself, you should also consider the cost of a cage, food, toys, and any other necessary supplies when budgeting for a pet cockatiel.

Types of Cockatiel parrots and their prices in India

There are several different types of Cockatiel parrots, but the most common are the Normal Grey, Pied, Lutino, Pearl, White-faced Cockatiels, and many more. The average price of a Cockatiel in India can vary based on various factors such as the type, age, and location, but here is a rough estimate of what you can expect to pay:

1.White Face Pied Cockatiel₹5,000 – ₹12,000
2. White Face Silver Pearl Cockatiel₹5,000 – ₹10,000
3. White Faced Cockatiel₹2,000 – ₹6,000
4.Albino Pair₹3,000 – ₹5,000
5.Albino Butterfly Cockatiel₹8,000 – ₹18,000
6.Lutino Butterfly Cockatiel₹5,000 – ₹20,000
7. Lutino Cockatiel₹5,000 – ₹7,000
8.Lutino Pied Cockatiel₹3,000 – ₹6,000
9.Lutino Fam Cockatiel₹2,000 – ₹5,000
10.Emerald Cockatiel₹8,000 – ₹25,000
11.Fam Pied Cockatiel₹2,500 – ₹4,000
12.Grey Cockatiel Pair₹3,000 – ₹6,000
13.Pearl Cockatiel₹3,000 – ₹6,000
14.Perl Pied Cockatiel₹2,000 – ₹6,000

It’s important to remember that prices can fluctuate and that you should always buy your pet from a reputable breeder or pet store. Also, keep in mind that the initial cost of purchasing a Cockatiel is just the beginning, as there will also be ongoing costs for food, toys, cages, and veterinary care.

Things you should be known before buying a Cockatiel Birds

Before buying a Cockatiel bird, it’s important to consider the following:

1. Housing: Cockatiels need a spacious cage that allows them to fly, climb, and play. Make sure the cage is made of safe, non-toxic materials and is easy to clean.

2. Diet: Cockatiels require a balanced diet of seeds, pellets, fresh fruits, and vegetables. It’s also important to provide them with a source of calcium, such as cuttlebone or mineral block.

3. Socialization: Cockatiels are social birds and enjoy interacting with their owners. Make sure you have the time and patience to spend with your pet, as a lack of attention and socialization can lead to behavioral problems.

4. Health: Like all pets, Cockatiels are susceptible to certain health problems, such as feather plucking, respiratory infections, and malnutrition. Make sure you understand the common health issues that Cockatiels can experience, and have a plan in place for ensuring your pet’s health and well-being.

5. Training: Cockatiels can be trained to do simple tricks, such as climbing onto your hand, and can even learn to whistle simple tunes. Training can help build a bond between you and your pet, and can also help prevent behavioral problems.

6. Cost: In addition to the cost of purchasing the bird, there are ongoing expenses associated with caring for a Cockatiel, including the cost of a cage, food, toys, and other supplies. It’s important to budget for these expenses and make sure you’re able to provide proper care for your pet.

It’s important to research and educates yourself on the specific care requirements for Cockatiels before making the decision to purchase one. This will help ensure that you’re able to provide the best possible care for your new pet and will help ensure a long and happy life for your Cockatiel.

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